3 Quotes & Sayings By Ryan Trecartin

Ryan Trecartin is a multimedia artist who creates work using computer programming, animation, painting, music and sculpture. Trecartin's art explores the potential and limits of technology and the human body to create systems that mimic and transform reality. He has produced large scale works that include an ecological art installation at San Francisco's Golden Gate Park, a 15-minute long animation film, and a performance that was shown at the 2008 Whitney Biennial. His work has been exhibited at such venues as the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) New York, The Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) Boston, and The New Museum in New York Read more

Trecartin was born in Houston, Texas.

I'm interested in exploring the places where all media meet. As TV, Internet, art, games and movies all start moving towards the same point, I want to be part of inventing that space. I'd like to explore media that are traditionally seen as part of the mainstream but not necessarily utilize mainstream formulas. Ryan Trecartin
I think technology is us, not something we invented. I think we are more psychic now because we have cell phones and you can look and see who's calling you. When people start seeing technology as us, as humanity, our whole idea of what existence is, is going to shift. Ryan Trecartin